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Publish-subscribe in DSOL

The publish-subscribe mechanism

There are two ways of communication between objects in object-oriented programming languages. According to Booch et al. (1999, Chapter 20):

  • Synchronous communication implies that the invoker of a communication requests receives an immediate response. Method calls are generally synchronous events, representing the invocation of an operation. When we code: double y = Math.sin(x), the call to the sine-operation is executed immediately. The thread in which the call to sin(x) is executed blocks until the request has been completed, and an answer can be returned.
  • Asynchronous communication implies that an answer to a call is not immediately requested. An example is the display of a web page with a button, where a user may or may not press the button, or even press it multiple times. In order to get the response from the button, we could poll every millisecond to see if the button was pressed. Apart from this not being very efficient, this will also go wrong when the button is pressed twice in a millisecond interval, or when the user cancels the web page. For this situation, asynchronous communication is a much better solution. The web page registers a place to 'call back' the original thread of execution. When the button is pressed, the web page sends an Event to that callback method, and it can be processed accordingly. Sometimes sending the Event is again an asynchronous message; sometimes it is synchronous (the latter is the case in the event mechanism in DJUTILS).

Asynchronous communication enables loose coupling between objects. The fact an answer is not immediately requested is sometimes also called 'send-and-forget': maybe an answer to the request comes, maybe not. Either one is okay.

Publish-subscribe mechanism in DSOL

The event mchanism that is used in DSOL is the so-called publish-subscribe mechanism using strongly typed events. Classes that implement the EventListener interface subscribe to certain events (corresponding to a certain EventType) of an EventProducer. In a sense, the pub-sub relationship implements the following: "In case 'X' happens in the event producing part of the model or system, please inform all subscribed event listeners using EventTypeX". The event mechanism is implemented in the DJUTILS event package. More information can be found on the manual page.

In DSOL, event listeners have to implement the org.djutils.event.EventListener interface The notify method specified in this interface ensures the required callback method for event producers on future state changes. The interface extends the java.util.EventListener interface which is a tagging interface that all event listener interfaces must extend (Arnold et al., 2000). The argument passed in the notify method is an instance of org.djutils.event.EventInterface. DJUTILS provides two reference implementations of this EventInterface: a basic Event class and a specialized TimedEvent class containing a time stamp, which is used for time based statistical computations. Every Event consists of a source, a content attribute and a type; the Event is Serializable, so it can be transported over a network. The EventType class is used to uniquely identify a type of event.

The org.djutils.event.EventProducer interface and its reference implementation named LocalEventProducer have the addListener as the most important method. In a sense, with the addListener method you ask the EventProducer to add you (or another object) as a subscriber to the EventType mentioned in the addListener call.


Note that although the Event is serializable, the programmer has to take care that each field of the Event itself is serializable as well.


When using remote events over the network, or storing events in a database, make sure that the content of the event is simple, in the sense that it does not contain pointers to objects that should not be serialized. There have been examples in simulation where the entire state of a complex model was transmitted with each event...

Example implementation: EventType

The construction of an EventType is pretty straightforward:

public static final EventType THRESHOLD_REACHED_EVENT =
    new EventType(new MetaData("THRESHOLD_REACHED", "Threshold reached", 
        new ObjectDescriptor("pressure", "Pressure reached", Double.class)));

Usually EventTypes are declared as public static final, so they are immutable and can be used from any other class, but other use-cases exist as well. Note that the payload is indicated as a Double class, rather than a double class. The Double definition will allow both a Double and a double as payload for the event. So always specify the class rather than the primitive in the MetaData for an EventType.

Example implementation: EventProducer

Usually, a class extends the org.djutils.event.LocalEventProducer when it needs to be able to produce events. Often an object created in a DsolModel needs to produce events. For that purpose, the AbstractDsolModel already extends EventProducer. An event producing class notifies its subscribers of the event with the fireEvent method. Suppose we have a model called PlantModel that fires events (repeatedly) if the pressure in a reactor exceeds a threshold. An example of the code is shown below:

public class PlantModel extends LocalEventProducer
    private double pressure;
    private double threshold;

    public void updatePressure()
        if (this.pressure > this.threshold)
            fireEvent(THRESHOLD_REACHED_EVENT, this.pressure);

The fireEvent method constructs an Event and transmits it to all the subscribers. An Event contains an EventType plus an optional payload. The eventType is THRESHOLD_REACHED_EVENT. The 'payload' of this event is a Double, with the current pressure as its value. Any Serializable Object can serve as the payload of an Event. The fireEvent(eventType, double) method is in essence the same as:

Event event = new Event(THRESHOLD_REACHED_EVENT, 

This example code will emit THRESHOLD_REACHED_EVENT each time the updatePressure method is executed as long as the pressure is above the threshold.

Example implementation: EventListener

In order to receive notifications, the class implementing the EventListener must first register itself (or be registered by another class) at the EventProducer so it can be added to the subscribers' list. Registration is done with the addListener method on the EventProducer. Suppose we are a user interface that has to set a red warning indicator when the value of 'pressure' goes above the threshold in the model. The registration is done as follows:

public class PlantUserInterface extends JFrame implements EventListener
    public PlantUserInterface(final PlantModel model)
      model.addListener(this, PlantModel.THRESHOLD_REACHED_EVENT);
        // 'this' means that we register ourselves to the event of PlantModel

It is also possible to have an external class (or even the main method) register the listener. The last statement in the example below reads as: "the model gets the ui object as an extra listener for the THRESHOLD_REACHED_EVENT event":

public static void main(final String[] args)
    PlantModel model = new PlantModel();
    PlantUserInterface ui = new PlantUserInterface(model);
    model.addListener(ui, PlantModel.THRESHOLD_REACHED_EVENT);

The EventListener interface still needs to implement the callback method. For the EventListener the callback method is called notify(Event event). The callback method can be implemented as follows in the PlantUserInterface class:

public void notify(final Event event)
    if (event.getType().equals(PlantModel.THRESHOLD_REACHED_EVENT)
        setRedWarning(((Double) event.getContent()).doubleValue());
        System.err.println("Unknown event received: " + event);

The setRedWarning method uses the Double payload of the event that was received. Now, whenever the pressure in the model passes the threshold, the UserInterface is notified and the red warning is shown.

The rather obvious problem with this implementation is that nothing is shown while the pressure does not exceed the threshold. Once the pressure exceeds the threshold, the warning is shown and will remain shown; even if the pressure subsequently drops below the threshold. A more practical implementation would use an additional event to cancel the alarm when the pressure drops below the threshold, or regularly transmit a different kind of event while the pressure is below the threshold.

The TimedEvent

As special class of events are the TimedEvents. A TimedEvent is an event with one extra field: a timestamp. Anything that is comparable can act as a timestamp. Often SimTime, Time, Duration, Calendar, Number or Double are used for timestamping. The EventProducer has a number of implementations of an extra method called fireTimedEvent that creates a TimedEvent rather than a normal Event for the notification of the listeners. Usually, the simulation time is used for the timestamping. For the above example in PlantModel, this would look as follows:

if (this.pressure > this.threshold)
  fireTimedEvent(THRESHOLD_REACHED_EVENT, this.pressure,

In the notify method in the PlantUserInterface class, the timestamp can be requested as follows. Let's assume the simulation uses Duration as the time type:

public void notify(final EventInterface event)
    TimedEvent timedEvent = (TimedEvent) event;
    if (timedEvent.getType().equals(PlantModel.THRESHOLD_REACHED_EVENT)
            setRedWarning(((Double) timedEvent.getContent()).doubleValue());
            setWarningTime((Duration) timedEvent.getTimestamp());
        System.err.println("Unknown event received: " + timedEvent);

Difference between Event and SimEvent

The Events used in the Publish/Subscribe mechanism have nothing to do with the simulation events used in the Discrete Event Simulation formalism. To prevent confusion, DSOL uses the name SimEvent for the simulation event class.


The Event and TimedEvent belong to the publish - subscribe mechanism of the field of software engineering


The SimEvent, SimEventInterface, AbstractSimEvent and LambdaSimEvent belong to the event-scheduling formalism of the field of simulation

Use of WeakReference and StrongReference

When the subscribers or producers of events can 'disappear', which is for instance the case with parts of the program that can be closed by users, the use of normal pointers is not recommended. When a pointer from the EventProducer to the EventListener exists for a subscription, Java's garbage collector cannot reclaim the memory of the listener class, because there is still a pointer from the EventProducer to the (closed) EventListener. Even worse, the (no longer active) EventListener will keep receiving updates from the EventProducer, although it has been inactivated by the user. For this purpose, the EventProducer supports the so-called WeakReference. When an object only has weak references pointing to it, it can be cleared by the garbage collector. The notification method of the EventProducer will sense when the EventListener has been cleaned by the garbage collector, and it will cancel the subscription (using the removeListener method).

By default (when nothing is specified) a StrongReference is used in the addListener method. When building interactive or networked applications where Listeners may 'disappear', the use of WeakReferences is recommended.

Remote event communication using RMI

To support the publish/subscribe mechanism between software running on different computers, the RmiEventListener and RmiEventProducer have been implemented. These use RMI (Remote Method Invocation) to call the addListener method on the remote EventProducer, and the notify method from the EventProducer on the remote EventListener.


  • Arnold, K., Gosling, J., and Holmes, D. (2000). The Java™ programming language. Addison-Wesley, Boston: MA, USA, 3rd edition.
  • Booch, G., Rumbaugh, J., and Jacobson, I. (1999). The Unified Modeling Language user guide. Addison-Wesley, Indianapolis: IN, USA.