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Stochastic Distributions

Distribution functions

DSOL has a number of built-in continuous and discrete distribution functions. Continuous distribution functions, such as the Exponential, Uniform and Normal distribution, return real numbers. Discrete distributions, such as the Geometric and the Poisson distribution, return integer numbers. Each distribution uses a random stream (see Random Numbers) to provide a pseudo-random draw from the distribution function.

In most cases, distribution functions for the model are created in the constructModel() method of the DsolModel. An example is:

StreamInterface defaultStream = this.simulator.getReplication().getStream("default");
DistContinuous processingDist = new DistTriangular(defaultStream, 1.0, 5.0, 12.0);

Each time when processingDist.draw() is called, a new number drawn from the Triangular distribution is returned.

The following continuous distributions are provided in DSOL:

  • Beta
  • Constant
  • Empirical
  • Erlang
  • Exponential
  • Gamma
  • Normal
  • LogNormal
  • Pearson 5
  • Pearson 6
  • Triangular
  • Uniform
  • Weibull

The following discrete distributions are provided in DSOL:

  • Bernoulli
  • Binomial
  • Empirical
  • Constant
  • DiscreteUniform
  • Geometric
  • NegativeBinomial
  • Poisson

Distributions typed with units

For the units defined in the djunits project such as the Length, Time, Duration and Speed, wrappers are available that enable values to be drawn from scalars of a particular unit. The unit-based wrapper wraps a continuous distribution function. This works as follows:

StreamInterface defaultStream = this.simulator.getReplication().getStream("default");
DistContinuous dc = new DistTriangular(defaultStream, 1.0, 5.0, 12.0);
DistContinuousDuration processingDist = new DistContinuousDuration(dc, DurationUnit.MINUTE);

Now a draw from processingDist will return a Duration with a value between 1 and 12 minutes:

Duration duration = processingDist.draw();

Distributions typed with absolute SimTime

For the eight defined SimTime types such as the TimeDouble, TimeDoubleUnit, and CaendarDouble, wrappers are available that enable values to be drawn from time instants of that SimTime type. The wrapper wraps a continuous distribution function. This works as follows:

StreamInterface defaultStream = this.simulator.getReplication().getStream("default");
DistContinuous dc = new DistUniform(defaultStream, 100.0, 200.0);
DistContinuousSimTime.TimeDoubleUnit eventTimeDist = 
    new DistContinuousSimTime.TimeDoubleUnit(dc, TimeUnit.BASE_HOUR);

Now a draw from eventTimeDist will return a SimTimeDoubleUnit with a value uniformely distributed between 100 and 200 hours after the start of the simulation run:

SimTimeDoubleUnit eventTime = eventTimeDist.draw();

Distributions typed with relative SimTime

For the eight defined SimTime types such as the TimeDouble, TimeDoubleUnit, and CalendarDouble, wrappers are available that enable values to be drawn from the relative time belonging to the SimTime type. The wrapper wraps a continuous distribution function. This works as follows:

StreamInterface defaultStream = this.simulator.getReplication().getStream("default");
DistContinuous dc = new DistLogNormal(defaultStream, 25.0, 2.0);
DistContinuousSimulationTime.CalendarDouble procDist = 
    new DistContinuousSimulationTime.CalendarDouble(dc, DurationUnit.SECOND);

Now a draw from procDist will return a Duration with a value drawn from the LogNormal distribution mu = 25.0 and sigma = 2.0:

Duration duration = procDist.draw();